Anonymox mozilla add on
Anonymox mozilla add on
  1. #Anonymox mozilla add on update#
  2. #Anonymox mozilla add on full#

Update: The policies are now live, please see the main policy for details. If you have questions about these updated policies or would like to provide feedback, please post to this forum thread. You can preview the policy and ensure your extensions abide by them to avoid any disruption. While we have removed duplicate wording from the monetization section, the requirements have not changed and we encourage you to review them as well.

  • If your add-on makes use of monetization, the monetization practices must adhere to the data collection requirements in the same way the add-on does.
  • We’ve created a section specific to the privacy policy that lays out these requirements in more detail.

    anonymox mozilla add on

    #Anonymox mozilla add on full#

    For add-ons listed on, the policy must be included in the listing in its full text.

  • Most add-ons require a privacy policy. Step 3: When adding an add-on to Firefox, the Anonymox icon is displayed on the top right of the browser, you can also click on it to open the add-on, the default add-on is enabled.
  • #Anonymox mozilla add on update#

    We do this to ensure user privacy and to avoid add-ons collecting more information than necessary, and in this update we’ve added a section describing the types of data collection that fall under this requirement.

  • There are certain types of prohibited data collection.
  • This way, it reduces the use of a separate tool for most of the penetration testing related tasks. These penetration testing add-ons helps in performing different kinds of attacks, and modify request headers direct from the browser. This update improves our description of these requirements, and we encourage you to review both the requirements and our recommended best practices for implementing them. Firefox add-ons are useful for penetration testers and security analysts.
  • If your add-on collects technical data, user interaction data, or personal data, you must show a consent experience at the first run of the add-on.
  • anonymox mozilla add on

    While the policies have not substantially changed, it will be worth your time to review them. The remaining changes in the document focus on improving the clarity, discoverability and examples. This isn’t a robust application for creating virtual private networks, but if all you want to do is surf anonymously, then that limited scope works in its. Note however, that if you use cookies to access or collect technical data, user interaction data or personal data, you will still require a consent experience at first run of the add-on. Anonymox Add-ons Whether you’re concerned about privacy online or simply want to hide your IP address in order to access geo-restricted content, AnonymoX is a fast and simple solution.

  • The section on cookie policies has been removed, and providing a consent experience for accessing cookies is no longer required.
  • In the past, this was only required when transporting sensitive information.

    anonymox mozilla add on

  • Encryption – standard, in-browser HTTPS – is now always required when communicating with remote services.
  • Add-ons that serve the sole purpose of promoting, installing, loading or launching another website, application or add-on are no longer permitted to be listed on.
  • Collecting user data or browsing information secretively remains prohibited.
  • Collecting browsing activity data, such as visited URLs, history, associated page data or similar information, is only permitted as part of an add-on’s primary function.
  • The most notable changes that may require action on the part of add-on developers are as follows: While this has resulted in a substantially rewritten and reorganized document, the policy changes are modest and unlikely to surprise anyone. In this update, we’ve put a major focus on clarity and accessibility, taking a holistic view of our policies and making them as easy to understand and navigate as possible. Today we’d like to announce another such update, to make sure the Add-ons developer community is well-prepared for when we start to enforce them on December 1st, 2021. From time to time, the Add-ons Team makes changes to the policies in order to provide more clarity for developers, improve privacy and security for users, and to adapt to the evolving needs of the ecosystem.

    Anonymox mozilla add on